A mother leaves her child and home and leads a band of rebels inflicting her own justice, while struggling to make it up to the male world of 19th century.
Roumena is a tortured mother forced to abandon her child and home leads a band of rebels and inflicts her own justice while struggling to make it up to the men’s world of 19th century. “Voevoda” means rebels-leader, commander, guardian and tells a true story, based on witness accounts.
Through rough and raw cinematic narrative the film strives for authenticity imposing the question how cruel humans are to the ones who are different. A woman ahead of her time, Roumena pushes relationships beyond the obvious religious, cultural and gender limits.
The film features many nonprofessional actors, the writer/director/producer playing the lead role and her daughter playing the younger Roumena.
MQ Pictures with the support of Bulgarian National Film Center in co-production with Focus Media with the support Croatian Audiovisual Centre, in coproduction with Nu Boyana Film, Dream Team Films and with the support of NOVA TV.
Main Actors: Zornitsa Sophia, Valeri Yordanov, Goran Gunchev, Vladimir Zombori, Leart Dokle, Petar Genkov, Dimitar Selenski and introducing Niki Amrita Nikolay.
Supporting Actors: Aleksandar Aleksiev, Tzveta Baliyska, Mariana Krumova, Valentin Tanev, Yulian Kovalevski, Dimitar Trokanov, Raicho Gunchev, Petar Kalchev and Petar Stoev.
Director of Photography: Krum Luis-Alirio Rodriguez – BIO
Edit: Victoria Radoslavova – BIO
Costume Designer: Marta Mironska
Production Designer: Irena Muratova
Music: Kayno Yesno Slonce – PLAY THE SONGS FROM THE FILM
Composer: Darko Markovic
Sound: Dubravka Premar, Petar Kralev, Ivo Natzev, Ivan Andreev
Producer: Zornitsa Sophia Popgantcheva
Co-producers: Irena Markovic, Yariv Lerner, Evtim Miloshev, Gabriel Georgiev, Ivan Spassov, Lubomir Neikov
Executive Producers: Mila Kirova and Petar Minchev – Gushtera
Writer and Director: Zornitsa Sophia
Official facebook page: www.facebook.com/voevodathefilm
YouTube: Voevoda The Film
Theatrical box office hit in Bulgaria (national release from Jan 2017), Distributor LENTA;
World Premiere: 20th Shanghai International Film Festival, 18th June 2017;
International Premiere: 39th Moscow International Film Festival, 26th June 2017;
Croatian National Premiere: 64th Pula International Film Fetsival, 19th July 2017.
(more festivals TBA soon)
MQ Pictures Ltd., 28, Ekzarh Iosif Str, floor 6, apt. 18, Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
voevodathefilm@gmail.com, zornitsa.sophia@gmail.com
WEB SITE: mqpictures.eu/voevoda-movie
Contacts: www.ytinifni.com
Feature film
Lenght: 127 minutes
In Color
Language: Bulgarian
Country of Production: Bulgaria
Country of co-production: Croatia
Subtitles: English, burn in the pictures. Others available, please ask.
Screening Format: DCP
Ratio: Cinemascope
Sound: Dolby Digital
Frames: 24 fpt
Shooting Format: Digital
Camera: Arri Alexa
Lences: Zeiss Ultra Prime
Shooting days: 33
Preproduction: 6 months
Available Promotional Materials: Teasers and Trailers – from 20sek to 1,50min, Behind The Scenes Videos, Posters, Banners.
- 20th Shanghai International Film Festival – SPECTRUM – World Premiere
- 39th Moscow International Film Festival– SPECIAL SCREENINGS – International Premiere
- 67th Pula International Film Festival– COMPETITION – Croatian Premiere
- 25th Raindance Independent Film Festival – UK Premiere
- 35th Bulgarian Film Festival Golden Rose – COMPETITION
- CINEQUEST International Film Festival – COMPETITION – US Premiere
- Nomination for Best Film – NOVA Cinema and TV Awards
- Nomination for Best actress Zornitsa Sophia – NOVA Cinema and TV Awards
- Nomination for Best actor Valeri Yordanov – NOVA Cinema and TV Awards
- Nomination for Best actor Goran Gunchev – NOVA Cinema and TV Awards
- Nomination for Rising Star for Niki Amrita Nikolay – NOVA Cinema and TV Awards
- 22nd Sofia International Film Festival – BG COMPETITION
- 25th Sguardi Altrove International Women’s Film Festival, Milan, Italy – along with the participation of the director in Round Table about the women directors and the Bulgarian Cinema in the quarters of the European Parliament in Milan.