

Zornitsa Sophia

Zornitsa Sophia is Master of Fine Arts, with major in painting. She has written, directed and produced 4 feature films, 2 documentaries and directed 7 tv series, one theater performance and an Opera. Her films are screened at major film festivals like Warsaw, Shanghai, Goa, Cairo, Sarajevo, Busan, Mar del Plata, Moscow, and received over 25 awards, two of them being the Bulgarian submission for the Academy Awards. Zornitsa Sophia served as a jury member at film festivals and has a passion for leading workshops on filmmaking.





Miglena Dimova









Krum Rodriguez









Darko Markovic









Daria Simeonova









Leon Lucev









Daria Dimitrova









Peris Wambui









Steve Matias









Lamar Munene